Archive for the tag - video

Video: Davey’s Urban Street Workout!

Screen Shot 2013-07-29 at 9.27.39 AMSome people grumble that working out is boring. Or expensive. Or inconvenient.

I say, use a little imagination. You can have a free, fun workout pretty much anywhere and at any time.

Case in point: In today’s video, I hit the streets of downtown Los Angeles to incorporate everyday objects into my gym routine. It’s actually a lot of fun and it can provide for a great, heart-pumping workout. Use the exercises that I demonstrate as inspiration and then create your own workout wherever you live - urban, rural or otherwise!

The world is your playground! Have fun with it.

5-Minute Awesome Chair Workout!

Screen Shot 2013-01-30 at 4.44.15 PMOf all the uses for a chair, sitting in one is the least conducive to a healthy lifestyle. In fact, studies show that sitting more means dying sooner - even if you exercise.

So let’s turn the tables on chairs (pun intended) by putting them to work for us! To that end, I put together a quick, 5-minute chair workout that you can do from the comfort of your home. While it may not leave you looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger, it will certainly get your heart rate up and your blood pumping.

Give it a try and let me know what you think in the comments below. Cheers to chairs!