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5 Ways to Connect with Your Body.

Scheduling some quiet alone time is one of the best ways to connect with your brilliant body.

Diane Petrella, spiritual weight release coach, is a great friend of mine who holds a refreshingly powerful and enlightened perspective when it comes to losing extra weight. She recognizes the importance of internal change to produce the external results that so many of us desire.

According to Diane, “Many dieters feel detached from their bodies, making weight release an anxiety-ridden, burdensome struggle. When you make the decision to actually create a relationship with your body, however, a respectful partnership develops. Your weight release efforts become more peaceful.”

To that end, Diane has developed 5 way to connect with your body on a deeper level. Diane’s philosophy resonates deeply with me, and so (with permission) I’ve reproduced her advice and action steps as follows:

  1. Acknowledge Your Body’s Brilliance: We are spiritual beings having a physical experience through the divine gift of our bodies. Our bodies allow us to see nature’s beauty, to hear a loved one’s voice, to experience luscious taste sensations, to smell a flower’s fragrance, to feel a warm breeze.When you expand your thinking in this way, your relationship with your body expands as well. Even if your don’t like how your body looks today, you’ll feel more connected with it as you begin to appreciate all it does for you.
    Action Step:
    Write an appreciation list of all the ways your body allows you to experience joy in your life.
  2. Commit to Physical Activity: Physical activity is one of the best ways to feel connected with your body. Cardiovascular activity conditions your heart and lungs. It’s also a great stress reliever.  Strength training is crucial to maintain good bone health.  It also helps you develop your inner power. Kinesthetic activities, like yoga, dance or tai chi help you move more intuitively and gracefully. When you commit to some form of physical activity on a consistent basis, you naturally will develop a stronger connection with your body.
    Action Step:
    Do one form of physical activity daily.
  3. Plan Quiet Time: A simple way to feel more connected with your body is to take some quiet time every day. This could be through formal meditation practice or simply sitting quietly with your eyes closed and gently focusing on your breath for several moments. When you take the time to be quiet and still, you experience the power of the present moment.  Your inner and outer selves begin to merge, helping you to feel one with your body.
    Action Step: Enjoy a five minute break today to just relax your body and breathe.
  4. Communicate With Your Body Daily: Because our minds and bodies are connected, our bodies actually respond physiologically to every thought we think.  In this way, you’re already communicating with your body all the time.  When you intentionally talk to your body with love and kindness, you use this mind/body connection in positive ways.  Simply telling your body you want to feel more connected with it begins to soften your alienation from it.
    Action Step:
    Every morning say to your body, “I want to take good care of you.  What do you need from me today?” Just ask the question and let it go.
  5. Practice Forgiveness: Body disconnection often results from underlying feelings of shame and self-loathing. Sometimes this is due to earlier childhood abuse. Forgiveness in all its forms helps you release these toxic feelings and become more connected with your body. Taking responsibility for ways you may have neglected and abused your body is empowering.  It’s also an important first step towards forgiving yourself.
    Action Step: Take some quiet, reflective time to say to your body, “I’m sorry.  Please forgive me for not always taking good care of you.  I want to treat you with kindness. Thank you for all you do for me.”

Let me know what you think of these 5 ways to connect with your body in the comments below! And for more information about Diane, or to use her additional resources, visit