About Davey Wavey
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Quiz: Are You Beautiful?
January 18, 2016 By Davey Wavey
Beauty is a funny thing. If you could ask our society to define beauty, you'd get a very narrow answer. It's an answer that is depicted in magazines, advertisements and almost all the media that we regularly consume. The thing is, beauty isn't concrete. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Different societies and cultures have (and do) define … [Read More...]

The Best #Manass On Instagram.
December 15, 2015 By Davey Wavey
Lord, grab some water. You're about to get thirsty. There's a new trend on Instagram called #manass. And it's the best Christmas present that anyone could ask for. Well, except for world peace or a cure for cancer. As it turns out, men are posting pictures of their backside all over Instagram. AND... Instagram is allowing it. I couldn't be … [Read More...]

I’m A Gay Man And I Eat Bread.
December 14, 2015 By Davey Wavey
I'm a gay man, and I eat bread. This isn't a confession. This isn't an admission of guilt. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I eat bread. I eat carbs. And so can you. Years ago, I was getting dinner with some gay friends. Something went wrong with our order and the kitchen brought us a complimentary bowl of lo mein noodles. The gaggle of gay … [Read More...]

Myth: Healthy Outside = Healthy Inside?
September 30, 2015 By Davey Wavey
Hey Davey, I'm an 18 year old guy and I eat pretty much whatever I want. My diet consists mostly of chips, pizza, soda and other crappy food. Even though I have such a bad diet, my body looks great. I have a six pack and look really athletic. Do I really need to change my diet if I already look good? From, Ben Hey Ben, Congratulations! … [Read More...]

Why I’m A Gay Man Who Doesn’t Drink Alcohol.
September 29, 2015 By Davey Wavey
Being gay and drinking alcohol go together like Mary Kate and Ashley. Or so most people think. I'm a gay man and I've never had a drink. When I was a young boy, my father gave me a sip of his beer. But that's it. And when I share this information, other gay people are usually dumbfounded. And that's because so much of gay culture - from … [Read More...]
Weight Loss

How To Lose Weight Fast: Don’t.
July 13, 2015 By Davey Wavey
It seems like everyone is concerned with losing weight fast. I get it. Immediate gratification is tempting. But this is your health. Many fitness apps are available currently that reward the users with cryptocurrencies. Traders may use platforms like the Bitcoin 360 AI to make trading more efficient. Check the Bitcoin 360 AI Erfahrungen blog to find out more about this platform. Rather than quick weight loss, let's pursue a sustainable and … [Read More...]

Do Sauna Suits Help You Lose Weight?
April 30, 2015 By Davey Wavey
Hi Davey, What are your thoughts on the use of sauna suits and toning wraps while working out? Do they help you lose weight? Regards, Jerry Hey Jerry, Let's dive right into it. Do sauna … [Read More...]

I’m A Gay Man And I Eat Bread.
December 14, 2015 By Davey Wavey
I'm a gay man, and I eat bread. This isn't a confession. This isn't an admission of guilt. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I eat bread. I eat carbs. And so can you. Years ago, I was getting … [Read More...]

Myth: Healthy Outside = Healthy Inside?
September 30, 2015 By Davey Wavey
Hey Davey, I'm an 18 year old guy and I eat pretty much whatever I want. My diet consists mostly of chips, pizza, soda and other crappy food. Even though I have such a bad diet, my body looks … [Read More...]
Ask Davey

Myth: Healthy Outside = Healthy Inside?
September 30, 2015 By Davey Wavey
Hey Davey, I'm an 18 year old guy and I eat pretty much whatever I want. My diet consists mostly of chips, pizza, soda and other crappy food. Even though I have such a bad diet, my body looks … [Read More...]

I’m 11 And Want To Diet.
September 22, 2015 By Davey Wavey
Hi Davey, My name is Carter and I'm 11 years old. I think that I'm maybe gay or bi. I think that I'm overweight and want to have a boyfriend some day. I want people to like me. What can I do to … [Read More...]

5 Fitness Mistakes Gay Guys Make…
August 11, 2015 By Davey Wavey
None of us are perfect. Not even gay guys. :-P In my experience, there are a few mistakes that gay men, in particular, tend to make when it comes to the gym, fitness or nutrition. And before … [Read More...]

Best Men’s Gym Underwear.
July 14, 2015 By Davey Wavey
Hey Davey, I'm new to the gym and want to make sure that I'm using the best gear. I haven't been able to find any good information about the best underwear to wear while working out. What's your … [Read More...]