Top 7 Dieting Mistakes.

diet-tips1So you want to lose weight and embark on a healthier lifestyle? Great!

But when it comes to dropping excess weight, knowledge is truly power. As a certified personal trainer, I’ve seen many, many people make the same missteps over and over again. Today, let’s learn from their mistakes and not let history repeat itself.

Here are the top 7 dieting mistakes:

  1. Buying “low fat” foods. As it turns out, the label low fat isn’t synonymous with healthy. And our bodies need good, essential fats. Limiting unhealthy saturated fats is a smart move, but ensure that you still get plenty of the good fats found in olive oil, nuts and avocados.
  2. Doing lots of cardio and no strength training. It’s true that cardio can help create the calorie deficit that’s needed to lose weight, but many dieters skip the weight room entirely. Without strength training, cardio is more likely to burn off both fat and muscle. And less muscle mass means a slower metabolism. It becomes a vicious cycle. The long and short of it is keep lifting weights!
  3. Starvation. To lose weight, a calorie deficit is necessary. A good calorie deficit occurs when we consume fewer calories through dieting and burn more calories from exercise. However, some dieters take things to the extreme and severely restrict calories to less than 1,200 for women and 1,500 for men. Caloric intake at this low level results in a massive slowdown in the body’s metabolism; energy is conserved to keep you alive. Eventually, you’ll need to eat. And when you do, your metabolism will be so slow that weight gain is unavoidable. Starvation is unhealthy and counterproductive.
  4. Drinking diet soda. Sure, diet sodas are calorie-free, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re a wise choice for dieters. Though more research is needed, a handful of initial studies have linked diet soda consumption and artificial sweeteners to weight gain and obesity. One theory is that artificial sweeteners feed our sweet tooth - and thus cause us to crave other sugary, unhealthy foods. The moral of the story is stick with water.
  5. Skipping meals. There is a misconception that skipping meals saves calories. According to researchers, people who eat fewer than three meals a day end up eating more calories in total throughout the day. Pace yourself by eating breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  6. Relying on fad diets. Some fad diets do work - but usually only for a short period of time. You can’t eat cabbage soup, for example, for the rest of your life. The problem is that most fad diets are pumped full of gimmicky marketing but short on lasting, sustainable results. Eating smart and exercising might not sound sexy, but it works.
  7. Measuring progress in pounds or kilos. Scales don’t tell the full story, and too many people get caught up weighing themselves every day. Evaluating your progress is crucial for success - as you can determine what is and isn’t working - but think beyond the scale. Body fat measurements are more accurate. Measuring your waist is also smart. Take before and after picture to monitor your journey. Pay attention when your clothes start to fit differently.

Be a smarter dieter by putting the above knowledge into practice. If you need more help achieving your weight loss goals, download The Davey Wavey Weight Loss Program. Use discount code “youtube” during checkout to save 25%!

And in the comments below, share any more tips that you might have!

About Davey Wavey

Davey Wavey is a certified personal trainer and YouTube sensation with more than 250 million video views. For Davey's fitness tips and secrets, sign up for his free monthly newsletter - or download any of his affordable and effective workout programs.


  1. Tom Hedeen says:

    I’ve been hearing for years about diet soda and weight gain. But still (even in your citation Davey) is there any evidence of it.
    The only thing that is said is that it may cause a person to crave other sweets.
    But what if it doesn’t? I like diet soda and don’t eat or drink other sweets.
    I get tired of the taste of plain water.
    And I don’t like iced tea.
    So I have found nothing of substance that leads me to believe that I shouldn’t drink diet soda. Including what you cite here.

    • @ Tom: Just the fact that none of the scientists who work on it would ever dream of drinking it should be enough of a sign….otherwise just wait a few years, consequences will come soon enough, cheers!

    • Drink it, but in moderation. I have one can of diet ginger ale a week, on Sunday usually. I’ve just lost 30 pounds the past 4 months and I cut down on the soda a lot. Maybe it does have something to do with it. I used to drink a can or two a day, almost every day.

  2. All of the above is correct. Take this advise and use it! Weight-loss is not a quick fix. Doing it the correct way takes time but doing it correctly, automatically changes your lifestyle and sets a good foundation for you to sustain the body you want. To want it, you have to work for it. 🙂

  3. Thanks for a great explanation about the diet and the mistakes what we are doing while we take diet. Thanks for sharing a great article…

  4. I drink a Pepsi at the beginning of each month, then throughout the rest of the month I occasionally pick up a 12 pack of either Sprite Zero or Coke Zero. I’ll typically have one with lunch or dinner a couple of times a week. It hasn’t hindered my weight loss at all, but then I’m usually drinking water throughout the day.